Introduction to 3D with Blender

Skill Workshop by Fadri Zimmermann


Sunday, October 6, 2024 / 9.30 am - 5 pm


Fachklasse Grafik Luzern, Spinnereistrasse 5, Emmen



The four- to seven-hour skills workshops offer participants a kick-start to a new programme, working method or specialist area. Anyone can take part, regardless of experience or prior knowledge.

The workshop "Introduction to 3D" offers a comprehensive introduction to the world of the free open-source program Blender. Together, we will cover the basics of the program, learn how to navigate the software, and create our first models. The goal of the workshop is to familiarize participants with the fundamental tools of Blender and provide them with the necessary knowledge to start their own 3D projects. The workshop is designed for beginners with little to no prior experience.

 Register for your preferred workshop here!  

Biography Fadri Zimmermann works as a Motion Designer at the Lucerne-based video production company "GANGO LUEGE." He is responsible for all digitally created motion graphics. In the field of 3D, he is an "all-rounder" and has been working with the program Blender for six years.


110.– Regular
60.– Reduced
Limited number of seats!

Partners and Location

Fachklasse Grafik Luzern, Spinnereistrasse 5, Emmen

Registration for lunch

For questions, get in touch with us at: