50 Years Later!


Franziskanergärtli, Franziskanerplatz 7



Opening hours

noon – 6pm

To mark the 50th anniversary of women's suffrage in Switzerland, students from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts have reinterpreted posters from the suffrage campaign of that time.

It was only 50 years ago that Switzerland was one of the last countries in Europe to introduce women's suffrage in 1971. 50 years later, graphic design students from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts have reinterpreted the posters of the suffrage campaign in a new, cheeky and pointed way. Additionally, they have designed 18 new posters for the 2021 anniversary with guidance by Ralph Schraivogel.

Concept and realisation

Hochschule Luzern – Design & Kunst