Weltformat 17

Lucerne’s 9th Inter­na­tion­al Poster Com­pe­ti­tion devotes an exhi­bi­tion to Hen­ryk Tomaszews­ki (1914–2005), pio­neer of post-war graph­ic design in Poland and co-founder of the Pol­ish School of Posters. The Poster Town exhi­bi­tion retraces ten years of poster design in Lucerne. A book of the same name will also be launched by the pub­lish­ing house Spec­tor Books dur­ing the event. The festival’s pro­gramme also includes a spe­cial exhi­bi­tion from our branch Welt­for­mat Korea, fea­tur­ing Kore­an tourist posters.

The Ani­mat­ed Poster exhi­bi­tion address­es the issue of aug­ment­ed real­i­ty and the fad­ing bound­ary between ana­log and dig­i­tal. The Grids, Tools and Swim­suits exhi­bi­tion fea­tures a series of posters designed for the fes­ti­val dur­ing a work­shop led by Stu­dio Neo Neo by stu­dents from the Gene­va School of Art and Design.
The 20 best posters select­ed from the inter­na­tion­al stu­dent com­pe­ti­tion will also be exhib­it­ed in the street at Pilatus­strasse 12 in Lucerne. All award-win­ning designs from the 100 Best Posters – Ger­many, Aus­tria, Switzer­land com­pe­ti­tion will once again be exhib­it­ed. The works of St. Gallen duo Kasper-Flo­rio, the cre­ators of this year’s fes­ti­val poster, will fur­ther com­ple­ment the exhibition.inally, the pro­gramme of the Welt­for­mat 2017 Fes­ti­val will also include a bazaar of graph­ic works, an inter­na­tion­al forum and a vari­ety of work­shops.

Thank you very much for the support

Kaspar-Florio, Larissa Kaspar and Rosario Florio, St.Gallen
APG|SGA Out of Home Media, Modul Kultwerbung, Serigraphie Uldry (Hinterkappelen), Von Ah Druck (Sarnen), AWP Plakatif (Kriens), JCM (Schlieren), Fachklasse Grafik FMZ Luzern, HEAD Genève, Syndicom – Gewerkschaft Medien und Kommunikation, Historisches Museum Luzern, Kunsthalle Luzern, Bourbaki Panorama Luzern, sic! Raum für Kunst Neubad, Luzerner Kantonalbank
Public sector
FUKA-Fonds Stadt Luzern, Kanton Luzern – Kulturförderung, Kanton Obwalden – Kulturförderung, Kanton Nidwalden – Kulturförderung, Kanton Schwyz – Kulturförderung, Kanton Zug – Kulturförderung
Casimir Eigensatz Stiftung, Migros-Kulturprozent
all our supporters and volunteers