The seventh annual Lucerne poster festival continues with the tradition of Swiss tourism posters. In collaboration with well-known poster designers and students from the Lucerne School of Art and Design, this genre is being brought back to the present without shying away from comparisons with the originals from the 19th and 20th century. Anschlag – Berlin examines the noteworthy diversity of contemporary poster design from the German capital’s design scene – curated by Fons Hickmann and Sven Lindhorst-Emme. The exhibition also focuses on young designers from South Korea, whose work is currently attracting international attention. The 20 posters which made it to the final of the international student competition provide a visual scandal as per the focus of the competition. Exclusively to Switzerland once again, all the prize-winners of the 100 best posters – Germany Austria Switzerland can be seen. The festival programme is being expanded to include posters from the cinema Xenix Zurich, who since 1981 has portrayed more than simple advertising materials. Finally, the designer of this year’s festival poster, Melchior Imboden, presents a selection of work from his decades-long career as poster designer and photographer.
Weltformat 15
Thank you very much for the support
- Designer of the Festival Poster
- Melchior Imboden (Buochs)
- Partner
- APG|SGA Out of Home Media, Modul Kultwerbung, Serigraphie Uldry (Hinterkappelen), Von Ah Druck (Sarnen), AWP (Kriens), Plakatif (Stans), Multireflex (Luzern), Verkehrshaus der Schweiz, Hochschule Luzern – Design & Kunst, Fachklasse Grafik FMZ Luzern, Syndicom – Gewerkschaft Medien und Kommunikation, Neubad, Kunsthalle Luzern, Galerie Tuttiart
- Öffentliche Hand
- FUKA-Fonds Stadt Luzern, Kanton Luzern – Kulturförderung, Kanton Nidwalden – Kulturförderung, Kanton Schwyz – Kulturförderung, Kanton Zug – Kulturförderung
- Stiftungen
- Casimir Eigensatz Stiftung
- HelferInnen
- allen unseren tatkräftigen Helferinnen und Helfern